I'm Pablo, your Copilot

Over the past twenty-plus years, I've honed my skills in helping organizations tackle complex challenges while working for renowned firms like AKQA, Crispin, Fjord, and Accenture Song. Now, I'm leveraging that wealth of experience to guide organizations and teams through the power of workshop facilitation, instilling confidence and reassurance in every step.

Workshop facilitation?! I get it. How could people talking make that much of a difference? 

Through my years of partnership with organizations and facilitating workshops with CEOs, 3-star Generals, and leaders with some of the world's most influential brands, I've witnessed the transformative power of these sessions. They have not only helped to unlock new revenue streams and create project momentum but also brought people together, fostering a sense of unity and accomplishment.

I have so much more to say about this topic, and if you're curious, please take a moment to read:Everyone needs a copilot 

A photo of Pablo Alejo smiling in a white button down shirt with an untied black bow tie.
A photo of people in a design thinking workshop
Workshops? Really??

How can workshops help?

Every day, organizations struggle to have crucial conversations to address internal conflicts, leading to stagnation and missed opportunities. Fear of conflict, differing agendas, limiting beliefs, and the risk of upsetting the status quo create internal politics and entrenched mental models that further stifle honest dialogue, leaving critical issues unaddressed and breeding frustration among team members.

This avoidance culture causes initiatives to falter, with teams focusing on immediate tasks without understanding broader goals. Misalignment leads to projects running over budget, missed deadlines, and workforce disillusionment. Without a strategy to manage conflicts, organizations become paralyzed and unable to progress.

Workshops break this cycle by providing a safe space for honest conversations and healthy conflict. Leveraging Design Thinking methods, workshops stimulate creativity, encourage open dialogue, and foster understanding. This collaborative approach helps teams identify obstacles and generate practical, innovative solutions, fostering open communication and conflict resolution for a more productive work environment.

Through guided exercises and discussions, workshops have the power to transform team dynamics. They uncover unspoken truths and hidden challenges, addressing root causes. When team members feel heard and valued, they contribute their best ideas and commit to decisions. This process equips teams with the clarity and confidence to move forward, transforming internal resistance into a collective drive for success. Workshops enable organizations to thrive in an environment of open communication and mutual respect, fostering innovation and collaboration.

This is the power of workshops; they bring the right people together to remove egos, hierarchy, and politics so teams can have crucial and sometimes difficult conversations that remove barriers to progress. Teams can accomplish more in just a few hours than in months of meetings and emails.

A photo of Pablo Alejo interacting with clients in a workshop
Ok, but why Copliot?

Get all the value workshops offer without the hidden agendas

Now, you might be thinking, "Why don't I just ask my existing firm(s) or someone on my team to facilitate a workshop?"

Yes, having a firm or internal team members with existing business knowledge facilitate your workshop will make things faster and maybe even easier. However, the common challenges with this approach are:

  • Internal teams avoid conflict and bring biases that cloud outcomes.
  • External teams are incentivized to look for ways to expand their business, which may not be in the best interest of your organization.

The value Copilot brings is having an unbiased perspective without the incentive to "land and expand," giving your teams the ability to have the crucial conversations your organization needs without the anxiety of having someone use your conversations as a new business tool.

You get all the value without the hidden agendas or conflicts of interest.

Everyone needs a copilot

Tagline image: Everyone needs a copilot™

But don't take my word for it. Here are just a few words from previous clients.

"You got us on the right track and just know that we're following through on it."


Transportation Company

"It is like this, the gift, the skills you brought is what helped really make the design sprint a massive success."

Sr Director

Fortune 50 Retailer

Need a Copilot? Schedule time for us to connect.

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