
Align & Conquer

A high-impact Design Thinking workshop

Icon line illustration of hands stacked

Build Alignment

Icon line illustration of tools

Get Practical

Icon line drawing of a football play.

Make a Plan

Get more done in a few hours than you have in months of meetings and emails

Don't settle for unproductive and boring meetings. Instead, bring the right people together, put them in teams, and participate in highly engaging activities that stimulate the mind, promote curiosity, and provoke crucial conversations. What sets a CoLab apart from the typical meeting or workshop is that we seek out the tensions that prevent progress, because we believe that breakthrough is just on the other side of that conflict.

We always begin with the end in mind

An example agenda of what a 1-day CoLab.
Each chapter will be a set of activities teams to engage participants, encourage collaboration, and bring the best out of the team.
  • 10AM: Mirror (60m)
    Have an honest about what's going well and what could be better.
  • 11AM: Window (90m)
    Be inspired by what other organizations and teams are doing that challenge our thinking.
  • 12:30PM: Lunch (30m)
  • 1PM: Crystal Ball (120m)
    Imagine bold ideas to overcome challenges and set us on a path towards success.
  • 3PM: What’s next? (120m)
    Create an actionable plan to bring these bold ideas to life.

Depending on your need, there are many different frameworks and methods to solve all kinds of business challenges.

A photo of a whiteboard with stickies

What do you get?

Icon line illustration of hands stacked

Strategic Alignment and Clarity

Have the crucial conversations that get teams on the same page. Remove the egos, politics and agendas to ensure the right people are aligned and have a clear understanding of where the team should be focusing their efforts.

Icon line illustration of tools

Innovation and Practical Solutions

Get creative and imagine bold ways to overcome challenges. Let's put our heads in the clouds, but keep our feet on the ground to create ideas that stretch us, while keeping our people, processes, and capabilities in mind.

Icon line drawing of a football play.

Actionable Plan and Roadmap

Answer the most important question, "how do we make this happen?" Develop a plan that empowers stakeholders to get things done, creates clarity and accountability, and put it in a timeframe everyone can get behind.

CoLab in action

Transportation Company

Unsure of how to bring the right capabilities together, I partnered with a transportation company to bring various technology vendors and company executives together to orient around their customers, employees, and other stakeholders to shape the future enterprise platform that would drive the organization's future.

This 2-day workshop blended group activities with interactive methods to allow participants to empathize with multiple user groups, ideate on what would be possible, and make a strategic plan to bring the right components together for a successful solution. 

A close-up photo of a man's hands writing on a sticky.

Need a Copilot? Schedule time for us to connect.

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